Benediktinerabtei Tyniec / Krakau

Die Abtei Tyniec liegt am rechten Weichsel­ufer, in administrativen Grenzen von Krakow, etwa 12-13 Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum entfernt. Die malerische Umgebung - Hügel, Wälder und der Fluss - locken viele Stadtbewohner an, die sich nach frischer Luft sehnen.

Benediktinische Mönche siedelten bereits vor neun Jahrhunderten an diesem Ort. Auf dem Felsen, der steil über der Weichsel emporragt, bauten sie eine  Abtei, deren Silhouette, auffallend über den grünen Bäumen, sich im ruhig fließenden Strom spiegelt.

To Protect the Good

is an establishment functioning within the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. Our activity consists in a wide range of cultural and educational events as well as retreats. The earliest history of the monastery has been presented in an underground Lapidarium Museum located in genuine historic interiors. The place creates a unique architectural context for early and modern art exhibitions, concerts, theatrical performances, spectacles prepared as wonderful mixtures of poetry and music as well as meetings with people working in the fields of culture, science and art. Everyone willing to take part in the meetings and educational workshops is welcome. We also invite you to benefit from the contact with the living Benedictine spirituality. The Benedictine Institute of Culture also handles all matters related to the functioning of the Abbey Guest House.

Opactwo Benedyktynów w Tyńcu
ul. Benedyktyńska 37
30-398 Kraków / Polen
tel. (+48) (12) 688 5 452
fax. (+48) (12) 688 5 453

e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it